For decades researchers have proven the benefits of daylight and effective daylight management as it relates to human development and wellbeing. Electric light sources can be made to closely match the spectrum of daylight, but none have been made to mimic the variation and light spectrum that occurs with daylight at different times, in different seasons, and under different weather conditions.
Psychologically, daylight is much desired!

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grand central



The Dayliter Shade has significant impact on patient outcomes

Daylight impacts human health and performance by kick-starting the body’s circadian system, affecting mood and perception, and by enabling critical chemical reactions in the body. By simply improving the mood of the occupant, daylight impacts patient outcomes by decreasing their length of stay in hospitals and reducing medication. This helps significantly improve patient satisfaction, which is a major factor in Medicare reimbursement!

The new design includes the EZ Clean feature that allows the lightshelf to be easily rotated down for cleaning. Now available with optional worm drive.

Benefits of proper daylighting in Healthcare:

  • Reduced average length of stay by 16% to 26%
  • Reduced pain and use of medication
  • Improved sleep and circadian rhythm
  • Improved mood and well-being of patients and staff

Request a FREE trial shade installation!



Views to nature and good daylight facilitate a student's cognitive and intellectual development, imagination and creativity.

Students study with plenty of natural light

Students in classrooms with abundant daylight:

  • Progressed 20% faster in math
  • Progressed 26% faster in reading
  • Had up to 18% higher test scores

Dayliter shades block glare from office windows while filling the room with reflected light



Daylighting in offices resulted in:

  • Workers performed 10-25% better on tests of mental function and memory recall.
  • Workers performed up to 12% more efficiently, particularly those using computers.


In high density, high-rise living property owners are often forced to keep their window shades closed for privacy thereby depriving themselves of the established benefits of natural light. This forces them to keep their lights on even in the daytime further using unnecessary energy.


Residential Benefits